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Israeli injecting a booster vaccine for all people over 12 years old


Israel begins to provide the Covid-19 vaccine with a 12-year-old citizen after the third injectable campaign for the elderly.

People are 10 times protected after the third-party Covid-19 vaccine injection, leaders of the Community Health Agency of Israel Health Sharon Alroy-Preis claims in the press conference on August 29, announcing jobs

According to the new announcement from the Israeli medical authorities, those who have suffered a full two Vaccine Covid-19 nose can be eligible for the third tip after at least 5 months.

There are about two million people in a total of 9.3 million Israeli people who have been injected on Tuesday.

We have to complete the third-facing for all people.

In addition to Israel, many other countries like the US, Canada, France and Germany are also planning to increase Vaccine Covid-19 Injections, despite opposition from the World Health Organization (WHO) because the countries should postpone

Israel currently recorded more than a million cases and more than 6,900 deaths due to NCOV, up to 4,913 and 39 cases in the past 24 hours.

A medical worker injected Pfizer's enhanced Vaccine Covid-19 for people at the vaccination point in Holon, Israel, on August 24.

America, the world's largest translation area, recorded 36,561 cases and 284 deaths, bringing the total number of cases and deaths to 39,664,814 and 654,689.

The leading epidemiological expert in the United States Anthony Fauci on August 29 said he supported the requirement of Covid-19 vaccination for children attending school due to concerns of the Delta transformation.

I believe that the mandatory vaccination for children who are going to school is a good idea.

Fauci also expects the Covid-19 vaccine of Pfizer and Moderna to be adopted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for children under 12 years of age before the upcoming holidays.

Australia recorded an additional 1,305 cases of infections and 6 deaths in the past 24 hours, lifting total cases and nationwide deaths to 51,243 and 999 cases.

Australian officials declared to extend Melbourne blockade, the second largest city of the country, to prevent the Delta strain outbreak.

Australia is racing to vaccinate Vaccine Covid-19 after months of delaying because of the lack of Pfizer's product supply, while the people do not agree to use Astrazeneca's vaccine.

In Southeast Asia, Sinagpore has two doses of vaccines for 80% of a total of 5.7 million people, becoming one of the countries with the highest vaccination rate in the world.

Singapore is aiming to live with Covid-19 by increasing the vaccine coating and limited easing in step-by-step, promptly taking measures according to the movements of the disease.

Thailand on August 29 announced its return to domestic flights to and out of Bangkok and other high-risk areas of Covid-19 infection from September 1.

Caat said domestic flights that could operate with 75% of capacity and passengers will have to comply with certain conditions at the destination such as presenting the vaccinated evidence and Covid-19 test results.

Thailand eased limited measures to prevent Covid-19 in the context of the biggest outbreak ever in this country because the Delta transformation is showing signs of heat reduction after recording a record of more than 23,000 cases

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